Creative Writing

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Book Ideas

Before you commit to a book, take it on a date by reading the preview on Google Books or on Amazon.
The Making of a Story - Alice LaPlante
How to Tell a Story - from The Moth
Meander, Spiral, Explode - Jane Alison
Refuse to be Done - Matt Bell
Letters to a Young Writer - Colum McCann
Or pick a book on craft for the genre you’re interested in and pass it off with Mr. Merrill.

Creativity Inc. - Ed Catmull
Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron
The Creative Act - Rick Rubin
The Practice - Seth Godin
Art and Fear - David Bayles
Steal Like an Artist - Austin Kleon
Show Your Work - Austin Kleon
Keep Going - Austin Kleon

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